Fertility Facts vs. Myths: How Much Do You Know?
Fertility Facts vs. Myths: How Much Do You Know?

If you’re ready to try for a baby, congratulations! This is no doubt a very special time, but any mom who’s been in your position will know that the journey from thinking about getting pregnant to getting pregnant can be a bit of a rollercoaster.

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1 Week Pregnant
1 Week Pregnant

You’re technically not even pregnant yet. But here’s why the pregnancy weeks begin ticking—plus smart steps you can take even when you’re “one week pregnant” to give your baby a strong start.

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Woman sitting on ground writing in a notebook. Baby toys and supplies are scattered on ground around woman
What to Pack for Delivery: Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby & Mom
Every baby has its own due date, but that’s more of a suggestion than a rule. Make sure your hospital bag is packed in advance (and when things are calm), just in case your little one decides to make an early entrance. Here’s a helpful guide for some essentials to bring to the hospital so you’re not trying to pack a bag in between contractions.
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Woman with eyes closed leaning over on pillow on top of a hospital bed with hands together while performing a deep breathing exercise
What Is an Epidural?
You’ve made it through your pregnancy and your little one will be here soon. Your doctor may have spoken with you already about your wishes for labour, including your pain management options. Here’s what you should know before having an epidural.
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Pregnant parent sitting up in hospital bed displaying some discomfort while supporting their back with their right hand and holding their belly with their left hand
Stages of Labor and Giving Birth
Labour and delivery are stages in the process that leads to the birth of your baby. For some, this process can be very quick. For others, it can be slow. Some labours start with contractions, while some mothers-to-be feel nothing until their water breaks. Although every labour and delivery includes stages, each birth is unique.
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baby swaddled and sleeping in parents arms
What Happens During a C-Section?
Bringing a child into the world can be a wonderful time, but not all babies are delivered vaginally. Learn about cesarean sections: what they are, why they occur, and how mothers heal afterward.
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When & How to Choose a Pediatrician
When & How to Choose a Pediatrician
As children grow, parents will frequently turn to their child’s primary care provider for guidance about their little one’s health. Choosing a doctor for your child can feel like an enormous undertaking, and your medical care options may vary based on your province, town, or territory.
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Ninth Month of Pregnancy Milestones
Ninth Month of Pregnancy Milestones
At 37 weeks, your baby is considered full-term and is ready for life outside the womb. Learn what final developments occur just before birth.
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Your Essential Newborn Baby Shopping List
Your Essential Newborn Baby Shopping List
Thinking about the things you’ll need to get ready before your newborn arrives can be a bit overwhelming. Try not to worry, though. Once you’ve created a list of baby essentials to buy, you can have fun browsing and choosing.
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Preparing for Baby Checklist for Feeding Success (Not Stress)
Preparing for Baby Checklist for Feeding Success (Not Stress)
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