Learn about all of the important milestones at each stage of your pregnancy, and helpful tips on how to manage a healthy pregnancy. No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey–from the planning stages to the final home stretch–we’re here to support you. Find helpful tips on how to manage a healthy pregnancy, including how to get more DHA into your diet.
If you’re ready to try for a baby, congratulations! This is no doubt a very special time, but any mom who’s been in your position will know that the journey from thinking about getting pregnant to getting pregnant can be a bit of a rollercoaster.
You’re technically not even pregnant yet. But here’s why the pregnancy weeks begin ticking—plus smart steps you can take even when you’re “one week pregnant” to give your baby a strong start.
Throughout your pregnancy, it may feel easy to jokingly point to a mood or a behavior and blame it on your hormones. But what’s happening with your pregnancy hormones? From the moment you conceive, throughout your pregnancy, during labour and in the months postpartum, your hormones go on a rollercoaster ride. Learn what six key hormones are at play and how they can affect you during your pregnancy and postpartum.
Generally speaking, inactivity during pregnancy is an outdated belief – scientific studies suggest that exercise during pregnancy provides health benefits for both mother and baby.3 In fact, the Canadian guideline for physical activity recommends pregnant women engage in moderate activity of 150 minutes a week over a minimum of 3 days a week.4 Does that include running?
Being prepared is a wise move—especially when you’re a new mom. Explore important questions to ask at your first prenatal visit, recommended by the experts at Enfamil.
Your diet while pregnant is crucial to the health and development of baby—but there are a few foods and drinks you should work to limit or avoid. Learn how to adjust your diet around food and drinks that might be harmful to you and your baby, while still eating a well-balanced diet.
A healthy pregnancy is a happy pregnancy. Prenatal Ease vitamins offer optimized nutrition designed for the 5 key stages of pregnancy from preconception to nursing.