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What if I choose to formula feed?
Formula provides the nutrients your baby needs for his normal growth and development. Formula feeding also allows Dad and other family members or friends to feed and bond with your baby, and for Mom to have a little break. And some parents just fe...Learn more
How are premature babies' nutritional needs different?
Premature babies are usually born with low birth weight. While in the hospital, they also tend to have more feeding challenges than full term babies, and generally need to eat more frequently. If you decide to formula feed, talk to your baby’s doctor about Enfamil A+® EnfaCare® infant formula with extra calories, protein, vitamins and minerals, for low birth weight or premature babies.
If the bottle has been in the refrigerator, run warm tap water over it or place the bottle in a pan of hot (not boiling) water. Shake the bottle occasionally while warming. Warming time should be less than 15 minutes. Test the formula temperature...Learn more
How can I keep my baby from spitting up after every meal?
If your baby seems to be spitting up excessively, ask your baby's doctor about thickened formulas created to help reduce spit up.....
What is the Difference Between Enfamil A+ NeuroPro, Enfamil A+ and Enfamil?
Enfamil A+® Neuropro, Enfamil A+® and Enfamil® are both cow’s milk-based, iron-fortified infant formulas for feeding babies from birth to 12 months of age.
Your newborn may drink anywhere from 2-3 fluid ounces of formula about every three hours. In general, your baby will take in what he needs to meet his body's demands. So don't be too concerned about fixed amounts....
How will I know when my baby is ready for solid foods?
Most babies are ready for solid foods when they're around 6 months old. Until then, your baby will get all the nutrients he needs from breast milk or infant formula.....
Yes. You need some, but too much can be toxic. The Institute of Medicine recommends that you get 770 µg of vitamin A per day while pregnant. More than 3000 µg per day while pregnant can increase the risk of birth defects. But rest assured that your balanced diet and daily multivitamin is not likely to give you more vitamin A than you need. Ask your doctor if you're concerned.
When changing formulas, we usually suggest switching directly over to the new formula, but your doctor is in the best position to guide you. A change in a baby's diet often requires an adjustment period that may result in slight changes in his or her digestive process. These changes could include stool pattern change, gas, and/or spitting up. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3-5 days. Your baby's doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may be experiencing.
What is gestational diabetes?
Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before, but who have high blood sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy, are said to have gestational diabetes....
Now that my baby's a 1 year old, can he eat all foods?
Although most toddlers can eat from the family menu, there are still a few things to watch out for. Choking hazards, for one. Cut his food into small pieces (not round ones) to guard against choking. Make sure your baby is seated and supervised at all times while eating.
Start by talking to your baby's doctor. If these symptoms are due to cow's milk protein allergy, he may be able to suggest a specialty formula like Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®
Should I be getting extra vitamins in my diet during my pregnancy?
You and your baby need a full range of nutrients, including folic acid, iron and calcium. Plus, your baby is going to take all the nutrients he needs, even if it means putting you at a deficit. Starting even before you are pregnant, experts recommend taking a multivitamin that has 400 µg (0.4 mg) of folic acid to decrease the risk of neural tube defects. In addition, your daily multivitamin should also contain 16-20 mg of iron to help ensure you have a healthy pregnancy. Check with your doctor or dietitian to ensure that your multivitamin contains the right amount of iron for you.
Is it true that I need more protein in the second half of my pregnancy?
Very true. About 25 g more per day. Vegetarians combine complementary protein foods, such as beans and rice, to get the essential amino acids needed....
My baby is 2 months old and still not sleeping through the night. Would solid foods help?
There's no proof that solid foods help babies sleep through the night. What's more, experts do not recommend starting babies on solid foods until 6 months of age...
Cow’s milk lacks the proper amounts of iron that your baby needs to develop. Plus, it contains higher levels of proteins and some minerals that are not appropriate for baby. At 9-12 months, your baby may be ready to start drinking whole cows milk...
When should I give my baby Enfamil D-Vi-Sol (vitamin D supplement)?
The Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada and Health Canada recommend that all healthy term breastfed babies receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU. Since vitamin D is already added to infant formula, formula fed babies may be getting sufficient vitamin D. However, a baby will need to drink about 4 - 250 mL (8 fl oz) bottles of formula per day to get the recommended 400 IU of vitamin D....
There are so many different brands of formula. How do I choose a good one for my baby?
DHA is an important building block of your baby’s developing brain. DHA-enriched infant formulas are an easy way to give your baby DHA. In fact, 9 out of 10 doctors who would feed infant formula to their own children would use a DHA-enriched formu....
I'm a vegetarian. How can I be sure I'm getting the right nutrition for my baby?
You need to be sure you're getting enough iron, protein, vitamins D and B12 and calcium from your diet. Consult our Nutrient Guide to find some alternative sources for these important nutrients. Asking your doctor or dietitian about a vitamin supplement might be a good idea as well.
Does my baby need vitamin supplements?
Babies generally get all the nutrition they need with formula. If your baby is breastfed, the Dietitians of Canada, Health Canada and the Canadian Paediatric Society recommend giving her a vitamin D supplement, as breast milk typically has very low levels of this nutrient...
No. Re-warming formula increases the possibility of bacteria growth in the formula as it cools off after heating. Follow the formula preparation instructions on the label.
Stool colour may vary among babies on the same formula. In addition, the colour, number, and consistency of the stools of one baby may vary from time to time. Some mothers report that their babies have yellow or brown stools while other mothers say their babies have green stools. There is a normal tendency for babies on iron-fortified formulas to have more green stools. A baby’s stool colour will often change with a change in formula, or with the addition of new foods or medications.
How can I keep breastfeeding when I go back to work?
Many women manage the breastfeeding/working schedule with a little planning. Whether you go back to work full-time or part-time, you can develop a breastfeeding routine that works for you and your baby....
My nipples are so sore from breastfeeding my baby. What am I doing wrong?
Your baby may not be "latching on" correctly. "Latching on" refers to the way your baby attaches her mouth to your breast. If she has latched on properly, she'll get a good flow of milk, and you won't get sore nipples....
My 6 month old has been doing really well on formula from the start. Shouldn't she be ready for cow's milk?
No. The Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada and Health Canada recommend that you wait until your baby's is 9-12 months before giving her homogenized (3.25%) cow’s milk. Although milk is fine for older children, it doesn't meet the nutritional needs of your baby. For example, milk doesn't have the iron your baby needs.
My baby keeps grabbing food off my plate. Is she ready for solids?
Her eyes may be ready for solid foods, but her system is another story. Until about 6 months, most babies can only handle breast milk or formula. By around this time, your baby's chewing and swallowing abilities may be ready for some iron-fortified baby rice cereal. Until then, keep your dinner out of arm's reach.
My 3 year old son drinks 2% milk. Why does my 6 month old baby need so much more fat?
A baby’s brain more than doubles in size in the first year of life, and within the first 3 years of life 85% of brain growth has occurred. A baby’s brain contains Omega-3 fat and most of that fat is DHA, an important building block of your baby’s developing brain. That’s why DHA is important for your child early in life.
Breastfed babies tend to have more bowel movements and a greater range of stool patterns compared to formula fed babies. Breastfed babies also tend to have softer, looser stools than formula fed babies. Ask your baby's doctor if you have questions regarding your baby's stooling pattern. Now Enfamil A+® helps give baby softer stools, versus our previous formula.
I have small breasts. Can I produce enough milk for my baby?
Whether you're a B or a double D, it's possible to make enough milk to feed your baby. Nature designed a perfect supply-and-demand system. The more your baby stimulates your breasts by sucking, the more milk you'll produce. So even if your baby is in a growth spurt and nursing more often, your body will "keep up". Remember, mothers of twins and even triplets can have enough milk supply to breastfeed successfully.
Where can I purchase the Nursette bottles of formula (ready to feed bottles given in hospital)?
If you’re looking for a larger formula bottle for an older infant with a bigger appetite, Enfamil A+, Enfamil A+ Gentlease® (for tummy troubles) and Enfamil A+® 2 (for babies 6 months and older) are also available in 237mL ready to feed bottles.
My breastfed baby wants to nurse constantly. Where's the 4 hour schedule?
Your newborn's stomach is small. That's why many experts recommend feeding "on demand". At first, your newborn may breastfeed every 2-3 hours, or 8-12 times in a 24-hour period. If your newborn sleeps more than 3 hours between feedings, ask your baby's doctor about waking her to nurse. She needs the nourishment, and your breasts need the stimulation to continue to produce milk. By the way, the 4 hour schedule should arrive as your baby gets a little older.
How can I tell if she's getting enough to eat?
Ask yourself the following questions:
Is she gaining weight steadily? Your doctor can confirm this....
Refrigerated bottles stored at 2-4° C (35-40° F) made from powder are good for 24 hours. Ready-to-feed liquid or formula made from concentrate are good for 48 hours.
Is there a way I can breastfeed and formula feed, just for a little break?
Many women supplement their breastfeeding with formula now and then, or while they're at work. It's best to wait until your milk supply is established and your baby is comfortable with breastfeeding. A good time to start is when your baby's around 6 weeks old.
We do not recommend alternating formulas back and forth due to the adjustment period that some babies go through when the formula is changed. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3-5 days. Most pediatricians do not recommend switching formula. We suggest that you check with your baby's doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
What formula should I use if my baby is fussy or gassy?
If you're formula feeding, ask your baby’s doctor about formula options.
How can I help with my baby's fussiness and gas?
Fussiness and/or excess gas can be caused by something you ate if you're nursing, or it could be a sign that your baby is temporarily having a hard time digesting lactose, a carbohydrate found in most milk-based formulas.
We are planning a trip. What is the best way to carry infant formula?
Keep bottles filled with prepared formula chilled in an insulated container with ice. For longer trips, pack additional cans of concentrated liquid or powdered formula. We also offer ready to feed convenience sizes of some of the formulas that you may find at your local store.
Is Enfamil A+ Gentlease available in liquid?
Yes, Enfamil A+ Gentlease® is available in both ready to feed and powder formats. It is not available in liquid concentrate.
How do I introduce solid foods?
As you’re introducing solid foods to your little one, you may find yourself with all sorts of questions: When they push the spoon away, does it mean that they’re full…or that they don’t like mashed peas and you have a picky eater on your hands...
Yes we offer a twins promotion program! Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 and a Customer Care Representative will be happy to enroll you in the twins program.
How do I get a sample of your Enfamil A+® products?
Enroll in My Family BeginningsTM by Enfamil A+ to get up to $160 in coupons, free baby samples and special offers.....
Ottawa, ON, December 31, 2023 -- Reckitt/Mead Johnson Nutrition (MJN), a producer of nutrition products, announced today that it has voluntarily chosen to recall from the Canadian market a single batch of Nutramigen Powder
Most infants accept the formula easily; some infants may take 3-5 days to become accustomed to the unusual taste. If this is your baby's first experience with the product, continue offering it as much as possible for several days. Sometimes, offering small, frequent feedings will help with this adjustment.
What is Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM is a routine starter, milk-based infant formula for infants 0+ months of age. With our closest infant formula ever to breast milk, Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM provides complete nutrition to nourish and support the amazing development of baby’s precious first year.
BIOPRO™ is the trademark name of the combination of 2’-FL, Polydextrose (PDX) and Galactooligosaccharide (GOS).
What is 2’-FL?
2’-FL is the most abundant HMO (Human Milk Oligosaccharide) in breast milk. HMOs in breast milk have been reported to play a variety of roles. One main role is to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. HMOs have been shown to support immune health.
Is 2’-FL a prebiotic or probiotic?
2’-FL is a prebiotic ingredient.
Is 2’-FL safe for my baby?
Health Canada has assessed the safety of 2'-FL in infant formula and has no objection to its use in infant formula. It is not expected that 2’-FL will cause an allergic reaction. Check with your baby's doctor for any symptoms your child may have while consuming Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM Gentlease®.
What is Polydextrose and Galactooligosaccharide (GOS)?
Polydextrose and Galactooligosaccharide (GOS) are dietary fibres that are added in infant formula to promote soft stools and may promote good bacteria in the gut.
What formats of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ are available for purchase?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM is available in the powder tub, refill box, and the nipple ready 59ml and 237ml ready to feed bottles in Canada.
Why are you discontinuing certain formats of Enfamil A+?
This was a Mead Johnson business decision. We continually strive to produce high quality infant and children’s products that deliver an important value to our consumers.
Will my child have an allergic reaction to the BIOPRO™ blend?
We would not expect your child to have an allergic reaction to the BIOPRO™ blend. When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3-5 days. Your baby's doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
Where can I find Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
You can find it at your local retailer. Please check on shelf or speak to the pharmacist or store manager.
I saw Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM and Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM Gentlease® advertised on Amazon. When will it be available on shelf?
Online retailers are able to have product available to the public faster as they do not need to ship products to their stores nationwide and physically re-arrange the shelf space to accommodate new products. Enfamil A+ NeuroPro and Enfamil A+ NeuroPro Gentlease will soon be available in all major retailers nation wide.
Why have you launched Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ instead of producing more Enfamil A+® / Enfamil A+® Premium?
Mead Johnson Nutrition strives to produce the highest quality infant and children’s products that deliver essential nutrition and health benefits at the best possible value. With each innovation, we aim to provide an infant formula closer to breast milk than our previous formulation.
Enfamil A+® Premium is being replaced by Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM , our closest formula to breast milk.
Why launch a new brand when it’s already hard to find Enfamil A+ products?
We continually strive to produce the highest quality infant and children’s products that deliver essential nutritional and health benefits at the best possible value. With each innovation, we want to provide an infant formula closer to breast milk than our previous formulation. The value in our products includes high quality ingredients, use of stringent quality control standards during manufacturing, ongoing clinical studies demonstrating product benefits, and diligent investment in research and development.
What is the difference between Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM and Enfamil A+® are both routine starter, milk-based infant formulas with brain-building1 and immune supporting nutrients2 so baby can thrive....
With our closest infant formula ever to breast milk, Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM provides complete nutrition to nourish and support the amazing development of baby’s precious first year....
Is there a price difference for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ vs. Enfamil A+® Premium?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM will have the same price per g/mL as Enfamil A+® Premium. The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries, by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
Will Enfamil A+ be discontinued?
We will not be phasing out Enfamil A+ at this time. However, Enfamil A+ 6-pack and 24-pack Nursette, 6-pack Ready To Feed, as well as the Powder Single Serve Sticks will be discontinued.
Can I still buy Enfamil A+?
Yes, you can still purchase Enfamil A+ at your local retailer, Amazon.ca, and enfamil.ca.
Have the ingredients changed?
There are minor formulation changes being implemented to better align select nutrient levels with human milk levels and achieve manufacturing efficiencies to support continuity of supply. Your baby will continue to receive the appropriate nutrition they require, and these amounts are very minor and do not represent any significant nutritional changes...
Does Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ have the same level of DHA/ARA as Enfamil A+®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM Powder has 12mg of DHA and 17mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution. Enfamil A+® Premium Powder, Ready to Feed, and Nursette® formats have 12mg of DHA and 17mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution, whereas Enfamil A+® Powder, Ready to Feed, and Nursette® formats have 12mg of DHA and 23mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution.
Why is there less ARA in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ than Enfamil A+®?
As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers. There is less ARA in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro TM to better align with the global average of ARA levels in human milk.
What is the new source of DHA?
There will be a 1:1 replacement of DHASCO with DHASCO-B. DHASCO®-B is a source of DHA obtained from the marine algae Schizochytrium sp.
Can I use both Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+® / Enfamil A+® Premium at the same time?
Both formulas help with the overall development of your baby. We do not recommend alternating formulas back and forth due to the adjustment period that most babies go through when the formula is changed.
What products do I use after Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
Infant formula is intended for infants 0+ months of age. It can provide the sole source of nutrition for the first 6 months. Most infants begin some solid foods around 6 months of age, and infant formula continues to provide a major source of nutrition. By 12 months of age, your baby should be eating a variety of soft foods from all food groups and drinking water, and milk from a cup.
Is this product made with non-GMO ingredients?
It is possible that some of the ingredients in our products are derived from genetically engineered sources. However, we do not believe that these ingredients are different from the same ingredients derived from a non-genetically engineered source. We want to assure our customers that the ingredients used in our infant formulas and toddler drinks are safe and nutritious.
What makes Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ a great choice?
If you choose a formula for your baby, the nutrient blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™......
MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) is found in every drop of breast milk. Specifically, MFGM is a naturally occurring membrane that surrounds the fat droplets in breast milk. Research has shown that MFGM plays an important role in brain structure and function.
We are urgently responding to an increase in demand for our Stage 1 powder products due to product shortages across Canada. We know that the inability to find your baby’s formula is worrisome, and we are working diligently to produce and distribute our products.
Why can’t I find my usual product?
We are urgently responding to an increase in demand for many of our brands because of a previous recall by another infant formula manufacturer, product shortages, and global supply chain challenges. We are doing all we can to reduce disruption.
Why can’t Reckitt/MJN increase its production?
We have been working diligently to address issues and help consumers as best we can. The factories which supply Canada are running 24/7. We have significantly increased internal resources in manufacturing plant quality personnel to ensure that our rigorous quality standards are maintained in the face of our increased production. We are taking no chances when it comes to the quality and safety of our infant formula products.
When will the situation be back to normal?
We are working diligently to improve the situation as soon as possible.
What does HuM06* mean on the label for Enfamil NeuroPro™?
HuMO6* blend for immune support includes 2’-FL HMO (Human Milk Oligosaccharide)‡, PDX, GOS, Vitamin C & E and Selenium.
What is the difference between Enfamil NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+?
The primary difference between the 2 products is the use of the terms BIOPRO (blend of 2FL, PDX, GOS) in Enfamil A+ Premium and HuMo6 (blend of 2FL PDX, GOS, Vit C, E and selenium) in Enfamil NeuroPro....
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is available through Health Canada's Interim Policy on the importation and sale of infant formulas.
Where can I find Enfamil NeuroPro™ Infant formula?
You can find it at your local retailer at Loblaw, Walmart, and Shopper’s Drug Mart. Please check on shelf or speak to the pharmacist.
What formats of Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM are available for purchase?
Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM is available in the powder tub, refill box, and the nipple ready 59ml and 237ml ready to feed bottles in Canada.
What do I do if I cannot find any Enfamil NeuroPro™ or Enfamil A+® formula? What are the alternative brands/types of formula I can use?
Enfamil NeuroPro, Enfamil A+ and Enfamil A+ Premium are all starter routine formulas. To use alternative infant formulas please contact your physician as your doctor knows your baby best.
What are the alternative brands/types of formula I can use?
Your doctor knows your baby best. Please contact your physician.
How long does a pouch last if not open?
Please see USE BY DATE on the product. You can find this information on the pouch.
How do I proceed to switch infant formula?
We usually suggest completely switching over to a new formula, but your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3-5 days. We suggest that you check with your baby’s doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
What is our level of inventory of Enfamil NeuroPro™? What does that mean for retail availability?
The availability will depend on the retailer’s local inventory and region as well as will vary depending on the demand for formula for each region.
Why did I call the USA customer number – from the pack of Enfamil NeuroPro™?
Enfamil NeuroPro™ is imported to Canada from the USA as a temporary measure to fill the major market disruption and gap caused by product shortages.
Mixing Instructions
Proper hygiene, preparation, dilution, use and storage are important when preparing infant formula.....
Can I order the Enfamil NeuroPro™ powder from US Enfamil.com website?
No, the US Enfamil.com website does not ship to Canadian addresses.
Why are you able to make Enfamil NeuroPro™ powder but not enough Enfamil A+® powder?
Enfamil NeuroPro™ is imported to Canada as a temporary measure to fill the major market disruption and gap caused by product shortages. This product is currently commercialized in the US and was included in Health Canada’s Interim Policy on importation and sale of infant formula to mitigate shortages.
Is Enfamil A+® powder being discontinued?
No Enfamil A+® powder is not being discontinued.
Do you offer coupons for Enfamil NeuroPro™ powder?
Yes, the My Family Beginnings (MFB) program will include coupons for Enfamil NeuroPro™ powder.
The NeuroPro™ label mentions a loyalty program, can I join?
No, the loyalty program is for US customers only. However, you can check out our My Family Beginnings™ program if you have not joined yet.
Why is there a difference in price for Enfamil NeuroPro™ powder vs. Enfamil A+® powder?
The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
Why do you only offer the powder format to help with shortage of powders in Canada?
In response to product shortages in Canada, Health Canada is recommending that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) temporarily exercise discretionary enforcement to allow the importation of certain products into Canada. This includes products that, while not fully complying with Canadian labeling and composition requirements, have been approved by a foreign regulatory authority or are allowed to be sold in foreign jurisdictions that have high quality and manufacturing standards similar to Canada. Enfamil NeuroPro™ was included in Health Canada’s Interim Policy on importation and sale of infant formula to mitigate shortages.
How can I get Enfamil NeuroPro™ shipped to my pharmacy or retail store?
We are currently limiting the distribution of Enfamil NeuroPro™ to select retailers.
What flavours of Enfagrow A+ are available?
Enfagrow A+® is available in Vanilla and Milk Flavour.
How is Enfamil A+ our closest formula to breast milk?
Enfamil A+® is our closest formula to breast milk. If you choose a formula for your baby, the nutrient blend in Enfamil A+®......
Are there any differences between Enfamil A+ (available in Canada) and Enfamil Infant (available in the United States)?
Although they are similar formulas, there may be some slight differences in ingredients and nutrient levels between Enfamil A+ and Enfamil Infant. Enfamil A+ and Enfamil Infant are both milk based infant formulas with DHA (a type of Omega-3 fat) and important building block of a baby's brain. Both formulas also contain a blend of 2 dietary fibres, galactooligosaccharide and polydextrose.
Are there recipes to incorporate Enfagrow A+ into my child’s diet?
Which of your formulas is closer to breast milk than ever before?
Enfamil A+® is our closest formula to breast milk. It is the gold standard by which we design our formulas. If you choose a formula for your baby, the nutrient blend in Enfamil A...
PURAMINO A+® is designed to provide sole source of nutrition for infants up to 6 months of age. Most infants begin some solid foods around 6 months of age. PURAMINO A+ can also provide a major source of nutrition through 24 months of age. In cases of severe and multiple food allergies, PURAMINO A+ may be continued as a milk substitute in the diet of children. When PURAMINO A+ is used as a milk substitute, the total calcium content of the diet should be assessed.
Please speak to your doctor or a Registered Dietitian for more information on using PURAMINO A+ as a milk substitute.
Can I use a dented can of infant formula ?
Can dents may allow air to enter the can, which could cause the product to spoil. We would not recommend using dented cans.
What should I do if I am having issues with my Enfamil® product?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877-711-8901 as we require additional information in order to assist you.
What should I do if I have a medical concern about my baby while he or she is on an Enfamil® product?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 as we require additional information in order to assist you.
Why do Nutramigen A+ with LGG and Pregestimil A+ have such a distinct taste?
Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® and Pregestimil® A+® have a unique odour and taste due to the special protein source that makes the formula effective for babies with allergies. The casein hydrolysate is extensively broken down to be hypoallergenic...
Enfamil A+ 2® and Enfamil 2® are our next stage of infant formula specifically designed for babies 6-18 months of age. Unlike Enfamil 2, Enfamil A+ 2 contains DHA, a type Omega-3 fat and an important building block of your baby’s developing brain....
There are so many different formulas, how do I choose?
The maker of Enfamil® formulas realize that every little digestive system is different. What makes one baby smile might make another one cry. Enfamil has one of the widest range of products to help suit your baby’s needs. That's why Enfamil has an entire Enfamil Family of Formulas™. Talk to your baby's doctor or visit our product section for more information on the one that fits your baby.
Why would I give my toddler a toddler nutritional drink such as Enfagrow A+?
To get enough vitamins and minerals, your toddler needs to eat widely from the four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide. With 26 nutrients for balanced nutrition, Enfagrow A+ helps provide nourishment to support normal growth and development...
You can switch to Enfamil A+® 2 when your baby is six months old.Enfamil A+ 2 is the next stage of infant formula after Enfamil A+®. Made for babies from 6-18 months of age, Enfamil A+ 2 is a nutritionally....
Enfagrow A+ Milk and Vanilla Flavour have 0.01 and 2.3 grams, respectively, of added sucrose (table sugar) per serving. To put that amount in perspective, apple juice has 2.6 grams of naturally occurring sucrose and chocolate milk has 10.1 grams of added sucrose (table sugar) per 200 mL serving.
In addition, Enfagrow A+ contains 26 nutrients for healthy growth and balanced nutrition including iron, calcium, vitamins D and C and fibre. It is an excellent source of calcium and protein. It now contains brain-nourishing DHA, a type of Omega-3 fat important to help support normal brain development, and two dietary fibres GOS and polydextrose.
How do I prepare powder formulas?
Be sure to follow the mixing instructions on the label carefully. To prepare powder formula, mix the right amounts of water and powder as indicated on the label.
While milk contains calcium it contains high levels of protein and certain minerals at levels that may not be appropriate for your baby's age. Milk contains a very limited amount of iron, which is critical for normal growth and development. So, until your baby is getting complete nutrition from a variety of foods to meet their critical growing needs, milk simply won’t fill all the gaps.
Enfamil® 2 is balanced nutrition, containing key nutrients, including iron, vitamin C and E and has about the same amount of calcium and vitamin D as cow’s milk. Enfamil 2 is specially formulated for your older baby’s growing needs and formulated with age appropriate levels of calcium, protein and iron.
Enfamil A+® is a routine starter infant formula for healthy term babies from 0-12 months of age. Enfamil A+® 2 is our next stage of infant formula specially designed for babies 6-18 months of age....
Cow’s milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D and protein, but it’s low in iron. Enfamil A+ 2 ® contains more iron than cow’s milk.
Enfamil A+ 2 provides a protein level that is more age-appropriate than cow’s milk. Protein helps your baby build antibodies.
Contains brain-nourishing DHA and ARA (a type of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fat), nutrients that are important building blocks for the brain. So when your baby is ready for the next stage of development, you can give her nutrition that helps nourish it.
Enfamil A+ 2 includes two dietary fibres, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and polydextrose. Fibre helps support digestion.
Enfamil A+ 2 provides complete nutrition.
What should I do if my baby is sick while using an Enfamil® product?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 as we require additional information in order to assist you.
Who do I contact if I have a complaint about an Enfamil® product?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 as we require additional information in order to assist you.
What should I do if my Enfamil® product has a quality issue?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 as we require additional information in order to assist you.
What is the difference between PURAMINO A+ and Nutramigen A+ with LGG?
PURAMINO A+ ™ and Nutramigen® A+® are both hypoallergenic, iron-fortified infant formulas. Nutramigen A+ is appropriate for most babies who have food protein allergies, whereas PURAMINO A+ contains...
Cow’s milk is a good source of calcium, vitamin D and protein. Cow’s milk is nutritious and can be an important part of a child's diet. Within the first 3 years of life 85% of brain growth has occurred, that's why many moms try to include brain-nourishing DHA into their toddler's diet.....
What type of water should I use to mix my formula with?
The Canadian Paediatric Society, Health Canada and Dietitians of Canada state that unsoftened tap water, well water meeting established standards of safety, and commercially bottled non-carbonated water (natural spring water drawn from underground springs, and treated water with low mineral content), are suitable for infants. If your baby is younger than 4 months, Health Canada recommends boiling the water for use in mixing formula for 2 minutes
What are galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and polydextrose?
GOS and polydextrose are two dietary fibres that have been added to Enfagrow A+® and have also been added to Enfamil A+® and Enfamil A+®2 for Babies who frequently Spit Up. Fibre helps support digestive health. Enfamil A+ has a fibre blend that can help promote good bacteria*. Good bacteria help support the immune system.
* Average level of DHA in worldwide breast milk is 0.32 +/- 0.22%(mean +/- standard derivation of total fatty acids) based on an analysis of 65 studies of 2474 women.
Do your formulas contain gluten?
All Enfamil® Family of Formulas™ are gluten free.
What is the difference between infant formula and an everyday toddler nutritional drink?
Infant formula (such as Enfamil A+®) is intended for the first 12 months of life. Some infant formulas for older babies.....
Toddlers need enough energy and nutrients to fuel their play and next stages of growth. Assuming your toddler has transitioned to solid foods and cow’s milk, adding 2 servings of Enfagrow A+® daily to a meal or as a healthy snack can help support your toddler’s balanced nutrition.
Is New Enfamil A+ and Infant formulas with Probiotics available in all formats?
Infant formula with probiotics are not available in liquid formats, since manufacturers must heat or pasteurize their liquid infant products, causing the live bacteria to die. New Enfamil A+® is available in all formats (liquid or powder), since it does not contain live bacteria.
What is the difference between Infant formulas with Probiotics and New Enfamil A+?
Did you know that trillions of bacteria already naturally live in the digestive tract that help the body to digest, build a healthy immune system and prevent infection? The bacteria in our digestive tract are usually acquired around the time of birth from our mother during delivery and shortly afterwards from the environment...
What is the difference between Enfamil 2 and Enfamil A+ 2?
Enfamil 2® and Enfamil A+ 2® are both calcium enriched, milk-based, iron fortified next step infant formula specially designed for babies 6-18 months of age. Unlike Enfamil 2,Enfamil A+ 2 contains DHA, a type of Omega-3 fat and an important building block for your baby's brain. Enfamil A+ 2 helps provide the expert daily recommended intake of DHA*. So when your baby is ready for the next stage of development, you can give her nutrition that helps nourish it. It now includes two dietary fibres, galacotooligosaccharides (GOS) and polydextrose. Fibre helps support digestive health.
* EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA). Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fats, including saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and cholesterol. EFSA Journal 2010; 8(3):1461. For babies aged 7-24 months.
How does Enfamil 2 compare to Enfamil?
Enfamil® 2 our next stage infant formula specially designed for babies 6-18 months of age with age appropriate levels of calcium, iron and protein. Enfamil 2 has more calcium and protein than Enfamil®, Calcium recommendations for babies increase after 6 months and double after the age of one. Therefore, when your baby is ready for the next stage of development, you can give her nutrition that helps nourish it.
Where can I find your Enfamil® products?
Enfamil products are available in most drugstores across Canada, as well as most major food stores and wholesaler stores. If you are having difficulty finding Enfamil products, we recommend speaking with the pharmacist or store manager of your local pharmacy who will be able to order it for you.
Why would I give my toddler a toddler nutritional drink such as Enfagrow A+?
To get enough vitamins and minerals, your toddler needs to eat widely from the four food groups in Canada’s Food Guide. With 26 nutrients for balanced nutrition, Enfagrow A+ helps provide nourishment to support normal growth and development...
Will my baby get constipated using Enfamil A+ for feeding babies who frequently Spit Up?
Constipation is not the number of bowel movements your baby has each day. It's when those infrequent movements are firmly formed stools that are difficult for your baby to pass. They may come out in hard pellets, or cause pain or bleeding. We would not expect our formulas to cause constipation. However, with any change in formula or feedings, your baby's stools may change in number, colour, and consistency. Your doctor is your best source of advice about your baby's health, and we encourage you to discuss any questions about your baby's stool pattern with your doctor.
PURAMINO A+® will be available in pharmacies by special order however if consumers are qualified for formulary coverage a prescription will be required.
PURAMINO A+ is also available to buy online at the Specialty Food Shop.
How do I change the language from English to French?
Click on my profile in the top right hand corner to access your profile page.
Edit your profile to change your profile.
To save changes, click Update
How do I change my baby’s birthdate?
Please contact our Consumer Resource Centre at 1 877 711-8901 and one of our Enfamil representatives will be happy to help.
Is there NeuroPro™ product for Enfagrow A+®?
There is no NeuroPro™ product for Enfagrow A+®. Enfagrow A+® is an everyday child nutritional drink intended for children 1 to 5 years of age. Enfagrow A+® provides head-to-toe nutrition* to help support your toddler’s growth....
What does HuMO6™ mean on the label for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™?
HuMO6™ is our trademarked term for the blend including 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium.
What is 2’-FL?
2’-FL is the most abundant HMO (Human Milk Oligosaccharide) in breast milk. HMOs have been reported to play a variety of roles. One main role is to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. HMOs have been shown to support immune health.
Is 2’-FL a prebiotic or probiotic?
2’-FL acts as a prebiotic.
What are Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and Polydextrose?
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and Polydextrose are dietary fibres that are added in infant formula to promote soft stools and may promote good bacteria in the gut.
Will my baby have an allergic reaction to the HuMO6™ * blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
We would not expect your baby to have an allergic reaction to the HuMO6™ * blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ . When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
* HuMO6™ blend of 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium.
Will my baby have an allergic reaction to MFGM?
We would not expect your baby to have an allergic reaction to MFGM. When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
Will you be adding MFGM to other formulas in Canada?
As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers. Future plans for our formulas are considered proprietary. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the science of infant nutrition and update our formulas accordingly.
Does Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ contain nucleotides?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ does not contain nucleotides.
Is this product made with non-GMO ingredients?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ does not contain GMO ingredients.
What are the alternative brands or types of formula I can use?
Your doctor knows your baby best. Please contact your physician.
Preparation instructions for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ powder format
Your baby’s health depends on carefully following the instructions below. Proper hygiene, preparation, dilution, use, and storage are important when preparing infant formula. Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby’s doctor. Ask your baby’s doctor which formula is appropriate for your baby.
Please see USE BY DATE on the product. You can find this information on the pouch or the bottom of the tub/refill box.
How long does a pouch last if opened?
After opening and between uses, keep pouch and tub tightly closed, store in a dry area, and use contents within 1 month.
Preparation instructions for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ liquid format
Failure to follow these instructions could result in severe harm. Opened bottles and prepared bottles can spoil quickly. Either feed immediately or replace cap and store in refrigerator at 2-4 degrees C (35-40 degrees F) for no longer than 48 hours for ready to feed 237ml bottles or 24 hours for Nursette® 59ml bottles. Do not use opened bottle or prepared bottle if it is unrefrigerated for more than a total of 2 hours. Do not freeze formula. After feeding begins, use formula within one hour or discard.
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Powder format has a shelf life of 18 months, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Ready to Feed format has a shelf life of 15 months, and Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Nursette format has a shelf life of 12 months. These are the shelf lives of unopened formula.
What is the difference between Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+® Premium?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is nutritionally similar to Enfamil A+® Premium. Although there are small differences in ingredients and label declaration, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ provides a similar level of nutrition as Enfamil A+® Premium. Both are routine starter, milk-based infant formulas with brain-building1 and immune supporting nutrients2 so baby can thrive.
What are the nutrient differences between Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+®/ Enfamil A+® Premium?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is nutritionally similar to Enfamil A+® Premium. Although there are small differences in ingredients and label declaration, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ provides a similar level of nutrition as Enfamil A+® Premium. Both are routine starter, milk-based infant formulas with brain-building1 and immune supporting nutrients2 so baby can thrive.
Why do both labels of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ and Enfamil A+® Premium say "Our closest formula to breast milk"?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is our newest and closest formula ever to breast milk. Enfamil A+® Premium is being discontinued at this time. Availability of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ will depend on the retailer’s local inventory and region as well as will vary depending on the demand for formula for each region.
Is there a price difference for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ vs. Enfamil A+®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ will cost more than Enfamil A+® due to the additional ingredients in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ . The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries, by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
Why am I paying more per g/mL for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ than Enfamil A+®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ will cost more than Enfamil A+® due to the additional ingredients in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ .. The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries, by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
How do I proceed to switch infant formula?
We usually suggest completely switching over to a new formula, but your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. We suggest that you check with your baby’s doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
Will my baby experience symptoms if I switch formula?
We usually suggest completely switching over to a new formula, but your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. We suggest that you check with your baby’s doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
When will Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ be available in retailers?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ will be available in retail starting April 2024. Availability of products will vary between stores and geographical regions.
Is Enfamil A+® Premium being discontinued?
Enfamil A+® Premium is being discontinued at this time.
Why is Enfamil A+® Premium being discontinued?
Mead Johnson Nutrition strives to produce the highest quality infant and children’s products that deliver essential nutrition and health benefits at the best possible value. With each innovation, we aim to provide an infant formula closer to breast milk than our previous formulation.
Enfamil A+® Premium is being replaced by Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™, our closest formula to breast milk.
Is Enfamil A+® being discontinued?
Enfamil A+® is not being discontinued at this time.
What is our level of inventory of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™? What does that mean for retailer availability?
The availability will depend on the retailer’s local inventory and region as well as will vary depending on the demand for formula for each region.
When will Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ be available in hospitals?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ will be available in hospitals in Spring/Summer 2024. Availability of products in hospitals may vary based on hospital/warehouse inventory and existing stock of Enfamil A+® Premium.
Can I order Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ from the US Enfamil.com website?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ is not available to order on the US Enfamil.com website.
What is the recommended age for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
The recommended age for Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM is 0+ months. Your doctor knows your baby best, please contact your physician to discuss any potential formula choices.
Is there a US product equivalent to Canada’s Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
Enfamil NeuroProTM is a US product that is sold as Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM in Canada.
Is Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ available in the concentrate format?
There is no Enfamil A+® NeuroProTM product in the concentrate format. As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers.
What is Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is a tummy-friendly, milk-based infant formula for infants 0+ months of age. It is designed to reduce fussiness, crying, and gas in 24 hours1 . Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is the leading infant formula2 that has easy-to-digest proteins3 , an expert-recommended level of DHA4 which supports normal physical brain development, our exclusive fibre blend of Polydextrose and GOS5 shown to promote softer stools6,7 , partially hydrolyzed proteins, reduced lactose8 , and naturally occurring MFGM components9 .
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is available through Health Canada’s Interim Policy on the importation and sale of infant formulas.
What formats of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® are available for purchase?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is available in the powder tub, refill box, and the nipple ready 237ml ready to feed bottles in Canada.
Is Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® available in the concentrate format?
There is no Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product in the concentrate format. As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers.
Is there a US product equivalent to Canada’s Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
Enfamil NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is a US product that is sold as Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® in Canada. Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is regulated by Health Canada.
Can I order Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® (US product) from the US to Canada?
Products ordered on the US website will not ship to Canada.
Is there Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product for Spit Up and Serenity?
There is no Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ product for Spit Up and Serenity.
Enfamil A+® Spit Up and Serenity are available in retailers at this time. Availability of products will vary between stores and geographical regions. As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers.
Why is my baby still experiencing fussiness, crying, and/or gas 24 hours after using Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
A change in a baby’s diet often requires an adjustment period that may result in slight changes to his/her digestive process. These changes could include stool pattern change, gas, and/or spitting up.
Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3-5 days. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may be experiencing.
What is the recommended age for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
The recommended age for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is 0+ months. Your doctor knows your baby best, please contact your physician to discuss any potential formula choices.
Is there Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product for Stage 2?
There is no Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product for Stage 2. As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers.
Is there Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product for Enfagrow A+®?
There is no NeuroPro™ Gentlease® product for Enfagrow A+®.
Enfagrow A+® is an every day child nutritional drink intended for children 1 to 5 years of age. Enfagrow A+® provides head-to-toe nutrition* to help support your toddler’s growth. Support their development with 26 important nutrients including brain-building DHA**. Enfagrow A+® fuels them as they grow*.
What products do I use after Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
Infant formula is intended for infants 0 to 12 months of age. It can provide the sole source of nutrition for the first 6 months. Most infants begin some solid foods around 6 months of age, and infant formula continues to provide a major source of nutrition. By 12 months of age, your baby should be eating a variety of soft foods from all food groups and drinking water, and milk from a cup.
What does HuMO6™ mean on the label for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
The HuMO6™ blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains 2’-FL, GOS,Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, Selenium and the ready to feed format contains 2’-FL, Vitamin C & E, Selenium, partially hydrolyzed proteins, and reduced lactose*.
Although not stated on the front of package, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains partially hydrolyzed proteins and reduced lactose*. This is stated on the back of package.
* ~1/5 of the lactose of a full-lactose, routine, milk-based formula.
What is 2’-FL?
2’-FL is the most abundant HMO (Human Milk Oligosaccharide) in breast milk. HMOs have been reported to play a variety of roles. One main role is to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. HMOs have been shown to support immune health.
Is 2’-FL a prebiotic or probiotic?
2’-FL acts as a prebiotic.
Is 2’-FL safe for my baby?
Health Canada has assessed the safety of 2’-FL in infant formula and has no objection to its use in infant formula. It is not expected that 2’-FL will cause an allergic reaction. Check with your baby’s doctor for any symptoms your baby may have while consuming Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®.
What are Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and Polydextrose?
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and Polydextrose are dietary fibres that are added in infant formula to promote soft stools and may promote good bacteria in the gut.
Will my baby have an allergic reaction to the HuMO6™ * blend?
We would not expect your baby to have an allergic reaction to the HuMO6™ * blend. When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
* HuMO6™ blend of 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium in powder format and 2’-FL, Vitamin C & E, Selenium, partially hydrolyzed proteins, and ~1/5 of the lactose of a full-lactose, routine, milk-based formula in ready to feed format.
What is MFGM?
MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) is found in every drop of breast milk. Specifically, MFGM is a naturally occurring membrane that surrounds the fat droplets in breast milk. Research has shown that MFGM plays an important role in brain structure and function....
We would not expect your baby to have an allergic reaction to MFGM. When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
Will you be adding MFGM to other formulas in Canada?
As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers. Future plans for our formulas are considered proprietary. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the science of infant nutrition and update our formulas accordingly.
Does Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® contain nucleotides?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® does not contain nucleotides. As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers. Although clinical data demonstrates safety of use, strong evidence on the benefits of nucleotide supplementation is currently lacking.
Is this product made with non-GMO ingredients?
Ingredients in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® are not genetically engineered. Trace amounts of genetically engineered material may be present in the product, such as from manufacturing environments and process sources.
Is Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® halal and kosher certified?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder and liquid formats are halal and kosher certified.
What are the alternative brands or types of formula I can use?
Your doctor knows your baby best. Please contact your physician.
Preparation instructions for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format
Your baby’s health depends on carefully following the instructions below. Proper hygiene, preparation, dilution, use, and storage are important when preparing infant formula. Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby’s doctor. Ask your baby’s doctor which formula is appropriate for your baby.
What is the scoop size and number for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format?
1 scoop of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder is 18.2mL or 8.7g.
The scoop number is: 1243532 / 1150299
How long does a pouch last if not opened?
Please see USE BY DATE on the product. You can find this information on the pouch or the bottom of the tub/refill box.
How long does a pouch last if opened?
After opening and between uses, keep pouch and tub tightly closed, store in a dry area, and use contents within 1 month.
Preparation instructions for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® ready to feed 237ml format
Your baby’s health depends on carefully following the instructions below. Proper hygiene, preparation, dilution, use, and storage are important when preparing infant formula. Use as directed by your baby’s doctor. Inspect each bottle for signs of damage.
Please see USE BY DATE on the product. You can find this information on the bottom of the bottle.
How long does a bottle last if opened?
Opened bottles can spoil quickly. For Ready-To-Feed 237mL bottles, either feed immediately or replace cap and store in refrigerator at 2 to 4 degrees Celsius for no longer than 48 hours. Do not use opened bottle if it is unrefrigerated for more than a total of 2 hours. Do not freeze formula. After feeding begins, use formula within 1 hour or discard.
What is the shelf life of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® Powder format has a shelf life of 18 months and Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® Ready to Feed format has a shelf life of 15 months. These are the shelf lives of unopened formula.
What is the difference between Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® and Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Just like Enfamil A+® Gentlease®, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® provides complete nutrition from birth for infants. Both formulas are tummy friendly and easy to digest* with a reduced level of lactose** and a protein blend patterned after breast milk† that has been partially broken down. The difference between the two products is the HuMO6™ blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®. The HuMO6™ blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium. Although not stated on the front of package, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains partially hydrolyzed proteins and reduced lactose**.
What are the nutrient differences between Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® and Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Just like Enfamil A+® Gentlease®, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® provides complete nutrition from birth for infants. Both formulas are tummy friendly and easy to digest* with a reduced level of lactose** and a protein blend patterned after breast milk† that has been partially broken down.
Does Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® have the same level of DHA/ARA as Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® Powder has 11mg of DHA and 17mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution. Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® Ready to Feed has 11mg of DHA and 17mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution. Enfamil A+® Gentlease® Powder has 12mg of DHA and 23mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution. Enfamil A+® Gentlease® Ready to Feed has 12mg of DHA and 23mg of ARA per 100mL at normal dilution.
Why is there less ARA in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® than Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
As a recognized leader in infant nutrition, Mead Johnson Nutrition is continuously striving to offer high quality products to our customers. There is less ARA in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® to better align with the global average of ARA levels in human milk.
Is the emulsifier used in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® the same as the emulsifier used in Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
The emulsifier used in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides). There are no emulsifiers used in Enfamil A+® Gentlease®.
Will my baby have an allergic reaction to the emulsifier in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
We would not expect your baby to have an allergic reaction to the emulsifier in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®. When the formula is prepared according to the label instructions, we would expect an infant to accept and tolerate all formats equally. However, each baby is different and must be individually evaluated. Your baby’s doctor is in the best position to answer your questions about any symptoms your baby may experience.
Is the HuMO6™ blend found in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® the same as the HuMO6™ blend found in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ ?
The HuMO6™ blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, Selenium and the ready to feed format contains 2’-FL, Vitamin C & E, Selenium, partially hydrolyzed proteins, and reduced lactose*. The HuMO6™ blend in Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ contains 2’-FL, GOS, Polydextrose, Vitamin C & E, and Selenium.
Although not stated on the front of package, Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® powder format contains partially hydrolyzed proteins and reduced lactose*. This is stated on the back of package.
* ~1/5 of the lactose of a full-lactose, routine, milk-based formula.
Can I use both Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® and Enfamil A+® Gentlease® at the same time?
Both formulas help with the overall development of your baby. We do not recommend alternating formulas back and forth due to the adjustment period that most babies go through when the formula is changed.
Is there a price difference for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® vs. Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® will cost more due to the research behind our products, and the quality of our ingredients. The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries, by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
Why am I paying more for Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® than Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® will cost more than Enfamil A+® Gentlease® due to the research behind our products, and the quality of our ingredients.
The prices charged by retailers are determined by the retailer, their parent company or, in some countries, by the government. We do not control the retail price of our products. We encourage comparison shopping to determine the most competitive price available.
Why should I switch to Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is designed to reduce fussiness, crying, and gas in 24 hours 1 It is the leading infant formula 2 that has easy-to-digest proteins 3, an expert-recommended level of DHA 4 which supports normal physical brain development, our exclusive fibre blend of Polydextrose and GOS 5 shown to promote softer stools 6,7, partially hydrolyzed proteins, reduced lactose 8, and naturally occurring MFGM components9. Breastfeeding is best for babies and is preferred whenever possible.
Berseth et al. study, 2009.
IQVIA reliort, 2022 data.
Similar to all infant formulas.
World Health Organization recommended amount of DHA is 0.2%-0.36% of total fatty acids. Enfamil has 0.32% of total fatty acids as DHA, similar to the world average amount found in world-wide mature breast milk.
In liowder format only.
Shown in Enfamil infant formula comliared to Enfamil without fibre blend.
Ziegler et al. study, 2007.
~1/5 of the lactose of a full-lactose, routine, milk-based formula.
From whey lirotein concentrate.
How do I proceed to switch infant formula?
We usually suggest completely switching over to a new formula, but your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. We suggest that you check with your baby’s doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
Will my baby experience symptoms if I switch formula?
We usually suggest completely switching over to a new formula, but your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you. Most babies adapt to their new diet within 3 to 5 days. We suggest that you check with your baby’s doctor about any feeding questions or changes.
When will Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® be available in retailers?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® will be available in retailers starting April 2024. Availability of products will vary between stores and geographical regions.
Why have you launched Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® instead of producing more Enfamil A+® Gentlease®?
Mead Johnson Nutrition strives to produce the highest quality infant and children’s products that deliver essential nutrition and health benefits at the best possible value. With each innovation, we aim to provide an infant formula closer to breast milk than our previous formulation.
Enfamil A+® Gentlease® is being replaced by Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®.
Is Enfamil A+® Gentlease® being discontinued?
Enfamil A+® Gentlease® is being discontinued at this time.
Why is Enfamil A+® Gentlease® being discontinued?
Mead Johnson Nutrition strives to produce the highest quality infant and children’s products that deliver essential nutrition and health benefits at the best possible value. With each innovation, we aim to provide an infant formula closer to breast milk than our previous formulation.
Enfamil A+® Gentlease® is being replaced by Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®.
Where can I find Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®?
You can find it at your local retailer. Please check on shelf or speak to the pharmacist or store manager.
What is our level of inventory of Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease®? What does that mean for retailer availability?
The availability will depend on the retailer’s local inventory and region as well as will vary depending on the demand for formula for each region.
When will Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® be available in hospitals?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® will be available in hospitals in Spring/Summer 2024. Availability of products in hospitals may vary based on hospital/warehouse inventory and existing stock of Enfamil A+® Gentlease®.
Can I order Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® from the US Enfamil.com website?
Enfamil A+® NeuroPro™ Gentlease® is not available to order on the US Enfamil.com website.
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