Baby's Bowel Movements: Decoding Baby Poop
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Ever look in your baby's diaper and wonder is that normal here's the scoop on poop in a newborn it's normal for stools to look dark green or black for the first few days this is called meconium afterward they'll range from green brown to yellow brown a breastfed baby will produce mustard colored seedy and mushy or loose stools while a formula fed baby will have stools that are greenish or tan with a peanut butter like appearance don't worry if you see slight changes from day to day but it's not normal for stools to be bloody or whitish or very watery if this happens call your doctor when it comes to dirty diapers knowing what's normal and speaking with your pediatrician can help you to better understand if all is well with your baby

Baby's Bowel Movements: Decoding Baby Poop


What goes in must come out. Your baby’s poop reveals a surprising amount about his health and nutrition, as it changes in content, texture, and amount over time. Here’s what you should know about bowel movements (BMs). (edit, information below)

At Birth

Appearance: The very first BMs are a thick black or greenish substance called meconium.

Frequency: Babies produce stool at least once a day during the first week. The meconium stage lasts only a few days.

Newborn to 2 Months

Appearance: After the meconium phase, stools are yellowish green. Breast-fed babies pass mustard- or gold-coloured stools with seedlike particles; they tend to be soft but can vary from relatively firm to quite runny. Formula-fed babies tend to have slightly deeper coloured and firmer stools but still softer than an older child’s or adult’s.

Frequency: Some babies have a BM with each feeding; less often is normal, too. By 3 to 6 weeks, some breast-fed newborns soil a diaper just once a week. Formula-fed newborns poop at least once a day.

2 to 3 Months

Appearance: Stool becomes more solid now that your baby’s intestines can hold more, and he’s absorbing more nutrients from breast milk or formula.

Frequency: As his gastrointestinal system matures, your baby may not need to poop as often. Stool frequency may vary from several per day to once every three to four days for formula-fed babies, and for breast-fed babies it may be as infrequent as once a week.

4 to 12 Months

Appearance: Once your baby starts eating solids, get ready for Technicolour poop! Stool can take on the hues of food, while the sugars and fats in food may give stool a stronger odour. It’s also normal to see pieces of undigested food.

Frequency: BMs vary a lot from child to child. If your baby grunts or turns red in the face while having a bowel movement, that’s normal. It’s also normal for some breastfed babies to go four to seven days without one.

If your child goes without a BM for longer periods than those listed here, or seems to be in pain or straining, check with his doctor about constipation. Other signs of digestive trouble include stool that’s extremely watery or loose (especially after the first month of life) and stool that contains mucus or blood.
