As your toddler’s world may be expanding with more and quicker steps, their brain is also rapidly developing. Learn how DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an important building block of the brain, supports your little one’s mental development through early childhood and beyond, and find out how to provide this important nutrient in their diet.

Why Is DHA Important for Toddlers & Kids?

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, supports your child’s cognitive mental development, but that’s not all. It’s important to eyesight development and has been shown to support improvements in behaviour, mood and memory.1 It has also been shown that adequate DHA in childhood can potentially help support health well into adulthood.1 While healthy fat is necessary at every age, it is especially important for growing children.2

When it comes to brain growth, 90% is completed by age 5. DHA is important to healthy normal brain growth and cognitive mental development during this time.

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How Much DHA Does My Child Need?

The specific amount of DHA that’s optimal for toddlers and kids hasn’t been determined, but global experts recommend 100 mg DHA/day. Caregivers are generally encouraged to provide children with the equivalent of two servings of fatty fish a week by two years old.3

How Can My Child Get DHA?

From foods naturally containing DHA and DHA supplements to DHA-enriched foods and toddler drinks, there are many ways to incorporate omega-3s for kids into your child’s healthy diet.

Foods that Contain DHA

Only fatty fish and shellfish naturally contain significant amounts of DHA, and the exact amount in each varies widely. Excellent sources of DHA include salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel and herring.

These are other good sources of DHA:

  • Anchovy
  • Char
  • Hake
  • Mullet
  • Pollock (Boston bluefish)
  • Rainbow trout
  • Lake whitefish
  • Blue crab
  • Shrimp
  • Clams
  • Mussels
  • Oysters
  • DHA-enriched eggs2
  • DHA-enriched milk2
  • Certain oils and fats2

Some types of fish should be avoided because they may contain high levels of mercury, but others are generally considered safe when eaten in the recommended quantities.* Salmon, mackerel, herring, rainbow trout, sole, hake and canned light tuna are examples of fish that are low in mercury and high in DHA.

DHA Nutritional Supplements or DHA-Enriched Toddler & Kid Drinks

Another way to ensure your child has enough DHA is to provide a DHA nutritional supplement or DHA-enriched toddler and kid drink. Many parents choose one of these options to help their children receive the nutrients they need more easily. DHA-enriched toddler and kid drinks can also be used in many recipes, which is another way to support the nutrition of picky eaters.

DHA-enriched Recipes with Enfagrow A+

There’s no limit to the delicious foods you can make with DHA-enriched toddler and kid drinks. Here are just a few Enfagrow A+ recipes to get you started:

Download Toddler & Kids Recipe Book

Try Enfagrow A+ with DHA

Enfagrow A+® toddler and kid nutritional drink has the DHA to nourish their growing mind. Enfagrow A+ is recommended by doctors and is the #1 choice of Moms.§ Try adding a child nutritional drink with brain-building DHA to your child’s daily diet now so you can feel good knowing they’re receiving omega-3 benefits for their brains.#

Why choose Enfagrow A+?

DHA Toddler Quiz:


By age 3, your toddler’s brain will have completed 85% of its growth! Nutrition plays an important role in cognitive development and brain growth—especially during their early years of life-but since most of the foods toddlers eat are low in DHA, it’s important to know how much is in your toddler’s diet.

Take our short quiz to find out!


Enfagrow A+® every day toddler nutritional drink is an easy way to add DHA to your toddler’s regular diet.


Enfagrow A+® every day toddler nutritional drink is an easy way to add DHA to your toddler’s regular diet.

Here are common toddler foods and the amounts of DHA they have.
Most experts recommend 100 mg* per day.

Enfagrow A+® every day toddler nutritional drink is an easy way to add DHA to your toddler’s regular diet.

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All Done!

Now that you know a whole lot more about DHA, you can feel good knowing that by giving your toddler brain-nourishing food with the key nutrients, you’re helping support their brain development and ability to grasp future skills.

Thanks for making Enfagrow A+® part of this important and exciting stage.

14 mg DHA
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* Health Canada provides advice for limiting exposure to mercury from certain types of fish.
§ Based on April 2023 sales report data.
# DHA supports the normal physical development of the brain, eyes, and nerves primarily in children under two years of age.
