The FAQs below relate specifically to Nutramigen®A+® with LGG®.
You can find some commonly asked questions about cow's milk allergy here.
- What is LGG®?
- Why have you added LGG® to Nutramigen® A+®? What are the benefits?
- Why is the preparation of Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® different compared to Nutramigen® A+®?
- Why can I not warm Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®?
- My baby won’t take cold formula, what can I do?
- What is the difference between Nutramigen® A+® and Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®?

LGG® culture is one of the most extensively studied friendly bacteria for dietary allergy management.
LGG is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.

Why have you added LGG® to Nutramigen® A+®? What are the benefits?

Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® is a unique combination of Nutramigen® A+® and the friendly bacteria LGG® culture, which has been shown to help manage cow's milk protein allergy in infants.
LGG® culture is one of the most extensively studied friendly bacteria for dietary allergy management.
LGG is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.

Why is the preparation of Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® different compared to Nutramigen® A+®? Why can I not warm Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®?

Due to the addition of the LGG® culture, the preparation instructions will change to include; Do not warm, in order to preserve the LGG® culture. Warming the formula at a high temperature may limit the benefits of the LGG® culture. It is important to follow the preparation instructions on label.
LGG is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.

My baby won’t take cold formula, what can I do?

Do not warm Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® as warming may limit the benefits of the LGG® culture. Most babies don’t seem to mind whether their bottle is warmed or straight out of the refrigerator. Some babies may prefer a consistent temperature from one feeding to the next.
To maintain the effectiveness of the LGG® culture in Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®, it is recommended that the formula maintain a temperature no greater than 37.7 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit).
If you want to take the chill off a bottle that has been in the refrigerator, we suggest that you run warm tap water over the bottle (for no longer than 15 minutes). Do not let water run over the nipple or bottle collar.
Shake bottle occasionally to evenly distribute the warmth.
Test the formula temperature before feeding. It should feel neither warm nor cold when dropped on your wrist.
Warmed formula should be discarded within 1 hour.
LGG is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.

What is the difference between Nutramigen® A+® and Nutramigen® A+® with LGG®?

Nutramigen® A+® with LGG® is a unique combination of Nutramigen® A+® and the friendly bacteria LGG® culture, which has been shown to help manage cow's milk protein allergy in infants.
Nutramigen® A+® does not contain LGG® culture.
LGG® culture is one of the most extensively studied friendly bacteria for dietary allergy management.
LGG is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen A/S.