Baby rice cereal may be the first food you introduce to your baby. The smooth texture of the baby rice cereal means your baby shouldn’t have difficulty chewing or swallowing it. Making sure foods are a manageable texture for babies is really important to prevent them from choking.
Baby Rice Cereal
3 tsp of baby rice cereal
3 tbsp Nutramigen®A+®with LGG®powder
Add the baby rice cereal to the Nutramigen®A+®with LGG®powder.
Add water to desired consistency.
Mix together well.
Leave to thicken, which takes around 5–10 minutes.
Baby rice cereal can be used to thicken any food when sprinkled over it and stirred in.
Pregnant and breastfeeding Moms need certain nutrients to help build a strong foundation for their baby's development. So we're sharing new and exciting recipes that include them, from magnificent meals packed with protein to delicious dishes that include healthy fats. You may not be able to decide what's more fun, cooking or eating all these scrumptious meals.
Pregnant and breastfeeding Moms need certain nutrients to help build a strong foundation for their baby's development. So we're sharing new and exciting recipes that include them, from magnificent meals packed with protein to delicious dishes that include healthy fats. You may not be able to decide what's more fun, cooking or eating all these scrumptious meals.