As a parent, you try to do what’s best for your child. Toddlers don’t always make this easy, so we thought we could give you a hand.
If you are like most parents, you sometimes wonder if you are making the right food and nutrition choices. Canada’s Food Guide was updated in 2019 by Health Canada to better reflect the latest thinking about what we should eat and how, and to help Canadians like you make informed choices to support healthy, balanced nutrition.
Enfagrow A+® is here to help you make good decisions when it comes to providing a balanced diet for your child. We support the Food Guide to promote a healthy diet, with the nutrients needed for healthy growth and development.
There is a lot of information in Canada’s Food Guide on how you and your family can eat well and live well—including tips, recipe ideas and other resources—so you may want to check it out. In the meantime, here are a few things we thought you should know.
Eating well is a balancing act
The Food Guide encourages you to eat a variety of healthy foods each day. We agree this is important, but also understand it can be difficult with a toddler. You have to pick your battles!
While your child may love certain foods, they aren’t always the most nutritious or well-balanced options. There may also be foods they refuse to eat, making it hard to achieve nutritional balance. And, as they grow older, you probably won’t be around to ensure balance at every meal and snack time. As you learn to let go, you could use a nutritional toddler & child drink, in addition to well-balanced snacks and meals to ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need as outlined by the Food Guide.
Enfagrow A+® provides 26 nutrients to help support normal growth, including DHA, protein and a fibre blend. It is an excellent source of calcium, and contains iron and vitamins C and D. Proper nutrition helps support your child’s normal brain development which is important at a young age, as approximately 90% of your child’s brain will develop by age 5.
5 key takeaways for parents of children 2+
Offering a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and proteins is important to a healthy diet. Your child won’t like everything you give them, but eventually you will find your healthy go-to foods.
Providing nutritious snacks between well-balanced meals helps provide the nutrients and energy of a growing child.
Water is the best choice for drinks, but milk is a healthy option. Limit juices and other sugary drinks.
Health Canada encourages eating when you are hungry. Your child or their behaviours will tell you when they are hungry or full.
Try to offer small meals and snacks at regular times throughout the day. A hungry toddler can be a challenge, so always be prepared with a handy snack.
Living well is about choices
Canada’s Food Guide is about more than just nutrition. It contains tips on how to achieve a healthy lifestyle, too. An important part of this is encouraging you to eat meals with others and to try and enjoy your food.
Family meals can be challenging with a toddler involved. The Food Guide notes that from six months of age, an older infant’s complementary foods can be many of the same nutritious foods enjoyed by the family. For many of us, that’s the dream—being able to plan one meal that the entire family can sit down and enjoy together. Your child may have other ideas.
We can help here, too. Getting your child to eat a range of food can be challenging. Enfagrow A+® is an easy addition to your child’s routine that can help fill in nutritional gaps, in addition to nutritious and well-balanced meals and snacks.
Canada’s Food Guide
You can learn more in Canada’s Food Guide or by visiting our food guide, for both print and mobile.