All toddlers have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments around this time. Celebrate with your child as he reaches or nears these milestones.
Knows how household items are used (a spoon to eat, a telephone to talk)
Imitates adult actions (throwing away trash, using a phone)
Uses toys when pretending to do everyday tasks (feeding a stuffed animal)
Has increasing understanding that everything has a name
Points to at least one body part when asked (“Where’s your chin?”)
Can follow one-step commands without gestures (“Sit down”)
May remember favourite items that are out of sight (crackers in cupboard, a toy in toy box)
May run
May dance or move to music
Jumps in place or from a bottom step to the floor
Navigates stairs; may need support coming down
Walks and pulls a pull-toy
May pedal on a tricycle
Takes off at least some clothes without help
Uses a spoon
May build a tower of six blocks
Folds paper
May say up to 30 words, 18 months
Begins to add new words more rapidly than before
Tries longer, multi-syllable words
Shakes head and says “no”
Uses gestures to make wishes known
May use simple phrases, 18 to 24 months
May say first sentence, 18 to 30 months
May use first and last names
May hum and sing
May have tantrums when upset (tantrums peak between 18 and 24 months)
May still be afraid of strangers
May still cling to parents or caregivers in unfamiliar situations