These nutritious pancakes made with Nutramigen®A+®with LGG®can be served with a variety of fruit. This adds to the vitamin content, and is a fun and easy way to introduce new types of fresh or stewed fruit to your child’s diet.
Banana Pancakes
Makes 4 big or 12 small pancakes
75 g plain flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 very ripe banana (mashed)
200 ml Nutramigen®A+®with LGG®(3 packed level scoops powder to 180 ml water)
Vegetable oil for lightly oiling the pan
Mix all ingredients together.
Lightly brush the pan with oil and heat.
Use a large spoon to ladle the mixture into the frying pan (1 or 2 tbsp per pancake depending on the size required).
Cook the pancakes for a few minutes each side until golden brown.
Pregnant and breastfeeding Moms need certain nutrients to help build a strong foundation for their baby's development. So we're sharing new and exciting recipes that include them, from magnificent meals packed with protein to delicious dishes that include healthy fats. You may not be able to decide what's more fun, cooking or eating all these scrumptious meals.
Pregnant and breastfeeding Moms need certain nutrients to help build a strong foundation for their baby's development. So we're sharing new and exciting recipes that include them, from magnificent meals packed with protein to delicious dishes that include healthy fats. You may not be able to decide what's more fun, cooking or eating all these scrumptious meals.