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Nutrient guide for moms
Pregnant and nursing mothers require adequate amounts of essential nutrients each day in order to nourish healthy growth and development. Learn more about Fibre.
What Does it Do?
Insoluble fibre moves waste through your intestines and helps prevent constipation which is common in pregnancy
Soluble fibre may regulate how the body uses sugars, and may reduce the risk of heart disease
How Much Do We Need?
Pregnant and breastfeeding women need at least 28 g of fibre in their diet per day.
Where Can I Get It?
Insoluble fibre
Whole grains
Wheat bran, corn bran
Flax seeds
Some vegetables and fruits (especially the skins)
Soluble fibre
Dried beans and lentils
Barley, oatbran
Apples, oranges
Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide recommends that you make at least half of your grain products whole grain each day.
Increase your fibre intake slowly to allow your digestive system to adapt.
Drink lots of fluids to allow the fibre to work.
Ways to increase fibre:
Add bran, ground flaxseed or whole grain cereal to yogurt
Add wheat bran, oat bran, rolled oats, wheat germ, nuts or seeds to baked goods
Add drained, rinsed, canned beans to salad, soups or stews
Try the Triple B Health Muffin recipe for a good source of fibre
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