Pregnancy hormones can set the stage for heartburn.Those hormones can relax the valve that closes off your stomach from your esophagus. Stomach acid may sneak up through that valve and into your esophagus. It may be helpful to avoid heartburn triggers, such as acidic or spicy foods, carbonated beverages, and fried foods. Switching to small, frequent meals—instead of three larger ones—can also help prevent heartburn.
Your Baby at 9 Weeks Pregnant
What’s Happening in There
Your little one is now about three quarters of an inch longand weighs about one tenth of an ounce.
He’s growing stronger and more flexible.Your baby’s bones are growing, and he’s able to bend at the elbow this week. Little muscles are forming to power his wiggles and kicks, although you won’t be able to feel any movements just yet.
All essential organs have started growing.His digestive tract marks a key development point, with the anus forming and the intestines lengthening.
His face is becoming more familiar.His eyes and ears continue to develop rapidly. The skin over his eyes begins to take shape, while his nose is becoming identifiable.
Amazing details are beginning to appear—and disappear.At9 weeks pregnant,your baby’s nipples are forming, as are his hair follicles. Also, the tail that he once had at the tip of his spinal cord has shrunk considerably and almost disappears by the end of this week.
Baby Brain Waves
Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing
At 9 weeks pregnant,your baby’s rapidly developing brain is producing brain wavesthat can actually be measured and recorded using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Your baby’s head has been growing rapidly, too: By now it’s very large in relation to your baby’s body, and his chin is tucked into his chest.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Real Issues, Real Solutions
The issue:One sneaky surprise of pregnancy is the red or blue spider veins that may appear on your legs.
The solution:Avoiding crossing your ankles or legs, which restricts your blood flow.