Mom’s Tip of the Week 35

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Pregnancy can hurt your head. Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, sinus congestion, and low blood sugar (when you don’t eat enough for both of you) are just some of the common triggers of pregnancy headaches. While acetaminophen is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy, check with your doctor before taking it or any other medication.

Your Baby at 35 Weeks Pregnant

What’s Happening in There

  • Your baby at 35 weeks is the size of a pineapple. He measures about 20 inches in length from head to toe and weighs about 5 ½ pounds. At about 35 weeks pregnant, your baby’s begins rapidly gaining weight—primarily from fat—adding about 8 to 12 ounces per week. It’s being added throughout his body, but this week, the plumping is most noticeable in his limbs and around his shoulders.
  • He’s positioned for birth. If he hadn’t already turned upside down, he’s likely in that position when you’re 35 weeks pregnant, with his feet at the top of your belly. This means his head may be resting against your pubic bone. If you feel pressure there, know that’s normal and not a cause for concern.
  • He’s reigning in his movements. When you’re 35 weeks pregnant, there’s just not enough room in your uterus for him to do much more than wiggle!
  • He’s prepping for his first diaper. In his intestines, he’s storing his first waste, called meconium, a sticky tarlike substance that he’ll pass after birth.

Baby Brain Waves

Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing

At 35 weeks pregnant, your baby’s brain continues to grow by leaps and bounds! In fact, his head is disproportionally bigger than his body to accommodate this brain development. Make sure you fuel your baby’s brain growth in the next few weeks by continuing to eat a well-balanced diet and to take a prenatal supplement with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Check your supplement label for expert-recommended levels of DHA—200 milligrams daily while pregnant.

Experts recommend that women aim for the same level of DHA after birth if breast-feeding. Why? Your baby’s brain continues to develop once he enters the world. In fact, during the first three years of life, a child’s brain grows to 85 percent of its adult size. The nutrition (including brain-nourishing DHA) your breast milk provides is critical to that development. If you’re formula or combination feeding, look for an infant formula with clinically proven levels of DHA (accounting for at least 0.2% of total fatty acids in the formula).

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