20 weeks pregnant is a good time to start interviewing pediatricians.Ask friends, family, and coworkers for referrals. Then set up consultation appointments. Some topics to cover: the office’s hours of operation, hospital affiliation, and resources for new parents.
Your Baby at 20 Weeks Pregnant
What’s Happening in There
Your baby is about the size of a small cantaloupe.At 20 weeks pregnant, she measures six and a third inches in length and weighs about 11 ounces. In fact, her growth may be putting some pressure on your lungs, bladder, stomach, and kidneys.
She’s moving around a lot.Don’t be surprised if you feel more and more little kicks and tugs.
Her (or his) gender can be seen on an ultrasound this week.In girls, the little uterus is already fully formed, and there are 7 million eggs in her ovaries. Having a boy? His testes have moved into the abdomen as they descend toward the scrotum.
Her outer features are developing, too.Your baby’s skin is forming additional layers and getting thicker as her hair continues to grow.
Baby Brain Waves
Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing
During your fifth month of pregnancy,your baby’s lower brain, or cerebellum (responsible for muscle movements and balance), will begin developing fissures and folds.The left and right hemispheres of the cerebrum, which controls higher functions such as the senses, emotions, and learning, will soon follow. What to know: All of those grooves and folds in the brain allow this organ to have more precious surface area to hold the billions of neurons forming without taking up more space in the skull.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Real Issues, Real Solutions
The issue:Most pregnant women have trouble sleeping at some point during the 40 weeks.
The solution:Simple adjustments in sleeping position (and maybe even diet) can help.