You will need about 340 extra calories per day in your second trimester and an extra 450 calories per day in your third trimesterto support your baby’s development, so indulge those prenatal cravings in moderation. Most of those calories should be coming from healthful, whole foods, including sources of the healthy fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is important for your baby’s brain and eye development. Some studies have also linked the nutrient with evening out mood swings and lowering risk of postpartum depression.1
1. Kidd PM. Omega-3 DHA and EPA for cognition, behavior, and mood: clinical findings and structural-functional synergies with cell membrane phospholipids. Alternative Medicine Review 2007 Sep; 12(3):207-27.
Your Baby at 13 Weeks Pregnant
What’s Happening in There
At 13 weeks pregnant, your little one is about three inches long.
He now has functioning nerves, muscles, and organs.
Bone tissue is formingin the arms and legs and around your little one’s head.
He may start sucking his thumb this week.While the muscles in his mouth aren’t fully developed, he can perform the movements to self-soothe. He can also use his mouth to smile or frown.
You may begin to feel a stronger connection to your baby.That’s because you can now hear his heartbeat at prenatal visits, your belly is growing as he develops, and you may even start to feel his movements by the middle of this trimester.
Baby Brain Waves
Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing
The brain structure called the corpus callosum, which likely began to develop in your baby last week, will keep maturinguntil his birth—and continue right on through adolescence. This C-shaped structure is responsible for communicating information between the right and left halves of the brain.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Real Issues, Real Solutions
The issue:ou are all stuffed up. But before you blame allergies or a cold, consider that it could be a pregnancy symptom.
The solution:Try natural ways to help ease your pregnancy-related congestion.