When a baby is born, his or her digestive system is still maturing, and it will continue to develop over the first several months out in the world as they get used to getting their nourishment from formula or breast milk instead of directly from mama. Because of this, you may experience a gassy or fussy baby after mealtimes. It's not unusual—it’s quite common when it comes tobaby feeding problems and issues, in fact.
Tummy Troubles & Baby’s Diet
Tummy trouble symptoms like fussiness or gassiness may be the result of a feeding intolerance or sensitivity.If you suspect an allergy—such as acow’s milk allergy—is the culprit when it comes to post-feeding fussiness and gassiness, consult with your baby’s doctor. Make sure to steer clear of home-spun advice that perpetuatesmisconceptions around feeding issues.
Swallowed air & feeding fussiness
Another common cause for a gassy or fussy baby is swallowed air. This occurs when babies swallow large amounts of air while feeding or crying. If the air is not burped back up, it can become trapped in the digestive tract, making your baby really fussy and uncomfortable. There are a couple of ways to check to see if swallowed air is the culprit behind your fussy baby. Your baby’s stomach may look bloated or it may feel hard or tense to the touch. Babies experiencing this may pull up their legs (or lock them out straight), clench their fists and pass gas.
Tips to help ease your fussy, gassy baby:
Try burping your baby, in case there is any extra air that’s been swallowed and causing tummy trouble.
Give baby smaller and more frequent feedings to avoid overfeeding.
Make each feeding as calm and relaxed as possible for both you and baby.
If your baby is swallowing too much air during bottle feeding, check the bottle’s nipple to see if it is clogged, or consider whether or not baby is ready for a faster-flow nipple.
Check the angle at which you’re holding the bottle during feeding. Always make sure to tip the bottle downward into your baby’s mouth at a 45° angle with the nipple full of milk, not air.
Avoid interruptions during feedings, which may startle baby.