Expressing your milk is advantageous for a variety of reasons, from sharing the feeding experience with the baby's father (or other caregiver) to familiarizing your baby to a bottle and the notion of receiving nourishment from another source to having a well-deserved break. It is a simple process that requires equipment adapted to your needs and lifestyle.
To Express by Hand
Hold your breast in one hand and press down toward your chest wall with the other. Be sure you have a sterile container in which to collect the milk.
To Express by Pump - Types of Breast Pumps
Electric Pump
Best pump to use if you plan to pump often or for a long time
You can pump both breasts at the same time (takes less time to pump)
Is expensive but can be rented. Check with a lactation consultant, hospitals, medical supply outlets or drug stores
Some workplace insurance plans may cover pump rental expenses
Battery-Operated Pump
Good pump for occasional use once your milk supply is established
Can be used with 1 hand
Is light and easy to carry
Need to replace batteries often (it is best to buy one that can be plugged into an electric outlet)
Hand-Operated Pump
Good pump for occasional use once your milk supply is established
Some can be used with 1 hand, and others with 2 hands (depends on the type of hand pump)
Is light and easy to carry
Can tire the hands and wrists
Least expensive
Consult with a Public Health Nurse, lactation consultant, La Leche League, nurse or midwife about which pump is best for you. Visit La Leche League Canada