When you sign up for the Enfagrow A+ Toddler Tips Club , you’ll get a free sample of Enfagrow A+ Toddler & Kid Nutritional Drink, plus:
Enfagrow A+ Coupons
Savings valued up to $35
Nutritional Drink savings
10% off the Enfamil A+® Shop
Partner discounts
Up to 20% off partner brands

Basic info

  • Be 8 or more characters
  • Include a lowercase letter
  • Include a uppercase letter
  • Include a number or special character
  • Do not use your email address
Is this your first child?*


What you'll get today
  • $35.00 coupon for Enfagrow A+®
  • Your Toddler eMagazine
  • Cake topper and Happy Birthday Toolkit for their first birthday

Don’t miss out!

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† Savings sent to your inbox through the first 36 months of your membership.