Your Newborn: Milestones, Resources, and Feeding Tips
Learn about newborn milestones in the first few days and weeks of your baby's life. Enfamil A+® has resources on newborn feeding, development and milestones.
Ensure that you know how much and how often to feed your baby, and how to tell whether or not baby is getting enough to eat, with this comprehensive guide from Enfamil A+.
Calcium aids in the formation and maintenance of your baby’s bones and teeth. Find out how much calcium your newborn or infant baby needs and where to get it.
Welcoming a baby into your life can be one of the scariest, most wonderful things you will ever do. They seem to grow so fast, leaving you almost breathless at how they develop and learn to navigate the world around them. The first few years of life for a child include crucial developmental milestones, both physical and intellectual. Each milestone unveils the incredible growth of your little one.
Bringing a new life into this world is exciting, and there is a lot to know and understand. We have created a comprehensive guide to cover every part of the process, help answer all your questions, and be your trusted companion throughout this incredible voyage, while offering insights and information on various facets of this life-altering journey.
Daycares can be a large percentage of a child’s life. Often, it’s the most time spent away from home until they go to school. Daycare can be necessary because of a need to work, or even simply to help a child to experience and fit in with their peers. Whatever your reason for sending your child to daycare, your choice may affect their early development and well-being. Investing time and effort into carefully considering all the factors that go into choosing the right daycare may be essential for your child’s overall development and happiness.
Hiccups in babies are adorable, but may be a mystery to parents. Learn why infant and newborn hiccups occur and why there’s usually no need to treat a case of the hiccups.
Physical activity supports your child’s well-being in countless ways, from improving mental focus and mood to lowering the risk of many health issues.1 Regular physical activity helps all parts of your child’s body function properly, including the digestive system.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Learn more about how kids’ yoga and exercise may help relieve your child’s constipation as well as several fun ways to get started.
When is the right time to start thinking about opening a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)? Simply, the earlier the better and we can’t stress that enough. The sooner you start, the more time your investment has to grow and then offer your child more choices in their future. A great education is the best way to offer your child a limitless future.
A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) provides Canadians with many benefits when saving towards a child’s education after high school. With the escalating costs of post-secondary education, it’s a wise choice to make early on to avoid having to accumulate large debt later on.
The sooner you start a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for your child, the sooner you will be rewarded by the federal and some provincial governments (depending on where you live) for taking the steps to plan and think ahead. Here are 3 ways you can get a federal government top up on your child’s RESP.
A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is an investment plan that helps you save for a child’s education after high school. It’s a smart and advantageous way to plan ahead and save for your child’s future. Here are 5 excellent reasons to consider starting an RESP for your child.
Colic is defined as crying for no apparent reason that lasts for greater than 3 hours per day and occurs on 3 or more days per week in an otherwise healthy infant less than 3 months of age1,2. Fortunately, colic symptoms typically resolve spontaneously by 8-9 weeks of age. Back sleeping is the safest position for all babies, but while the baby is awake, you can try different positions to help your colicky little one settle. Here are some holding positions to try.
Capturing the earliest moments of your baby’s life is easier than ever, whether you prefer candid snapshots or to set up your own DIY newborn photoshoot. See how easy and fun it can be to put together your own at-home newborn baby photoshoot.
If you’re about to welcome your little one into the world, you’re no doubt wondering about baby care basics like bath time with baby. Bathing your newborn is a precious opportunity to bond with your baby and introduce them to the soothing sensations of warm water on their skin. Before taking the plunge, take a look at our newborn bathing tips and advice so you and your little one can stay safe and soak up the fun at bath time.
You’ve probably heard people say that all newborns seem to do is eat, sleep, and poop! With that in mind, if you’re unsure about how to change a diaper, now’s the perfect time to learn. Here’s a step-by-step guide for changing your baby’s diaper, with some tips on changing cloth reusables at the end. While everything may look a little tricky at first, try not to worry. When your baby arrives you’ll get plenty of practice in, making you a pro in no time!
You’ve been monitoring baby’s growth from the moment you learned you were expecting. Now it’s time to learn how to track baby’s growth outside the womb. Learn about baby growth charts—including growth charts for newborns, infants, and toddlers.
Wearing your baby is not only a convenient option for parents and caregivers on the go but provides more opportunities for both of you to bond. Learn more about the benefits of babywearing for both baby and caregivers.
If you’re a first-time parent, the idea of looking up facts about baby poop may seem a little off-putting. Don’t worry. That’ll pass. For the first few weeks of your newborn’s life, you’ll be all about your new addition’s feeding, sleeping and pooping schedules. With that in mind, this guide to the potential contents of your little one’s diaper may help answer some questions that may arise as you get to know your new baby during their first year.
Parents worry about their children from the moment they’re born. They worry about their diet, whether they’re getting enough sleep, how they’re doing in school, and whether they’re raising a well-rounded individual.
When your newborn arrives, you can almost certainly count on a few things: crying, sleeping, eating, and pooping. Your little bundle of joy will be presenting you with their own bundles of joy several times a day, ranging in color and texture based on their age and digestive maturity. While some bowel movements may appear a little stranger than others (especially when they’re green) they usually aren’t cause for alarm.
New parents may often feel helpless when their little one is gassy. It may be helpful to understand what some of the causes of your baby’s fussiness may be, so that you can help them feel more comfortable.
The sound of a baby crying in the middle of the night can rouse even the sleepiest parent. But when these cries differ from the standard “I’m hungry” or “I need a new diaper” cry, it can be easy for panic to set in, especially when the cries are accompanied by an arched back. Learn why this may be happening and what you can do about it.
When your baby is born, they may have some developing to do in their digestive tract. Some babies are born with an immature digestive system, also known as infant gut immaturity. Learn what this means and how you can help ensure your little one gets the nutritional support they need.
Tummy troubles are common in infants and newborns. If you’re having a baby, it’s important to know what to expect and how to be prepared for when your baby has tummy discomfort. Learn how new moms can help their infant or newborn have a happy tummy.
When adults have stomachaches, we can often pinpoint a cause. It might have been something we ate or that we wore a too-tight belt. When babies have tummy pain, especially newborns, it’s much harder to know why. Here are some of the reasons for abdominal pain in babies, and if you have additional concerns, don’t hesitate to speak with your child’s doctor.
For babies, occasional constipation is normal and rarely cause for alarm, but it’s certainly no fun1. Luckily, a massage is an easy, do-it-yourself home treatment that may help your baby’s bowels while also deepening your bond and relaxing both you and your little one.1,2,3,4 Learn how to administer a helpful infant massage for constipation and the many reasons it can be so beneficial.
Save on feeding baby while providing everything needed for tiny growing bodies with Enfamil A+ baby formula coupons and the benefits of the My Family BeginningsTM by Enfamil A+ program.
Babies have developing digestive systems, and sometimes they have feeding issues. If you're thinking about changing your baby's formula, talk to your baby's doctor.
Right now you're probably receiving a lot of advice, tips and information about taking care of your baby. How can you be sure that what you're hearing is accurate?
The Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a special place where highly trained doctors and nurses are giving your baby around-the-clock care. The goal of the NICU staff is the same as yours-to help your baby grow and become healthy enough to go home with you, where she belongs.
New methods to treat the potential medical problems of premature babies are constantly evolving. Here's an introducion to a few areas that the NICU staff will be monitoring for you baby.
Because he arrived early, your premature baby's development will look a bit different than a full-term infat's would. We've listed some milestones in development that you will notice in your baby as he develops.
The NICU may seem intimidating at first, but the equipment you see is being used to help your baby grow stronger. Learn about some of the machines you may see while she is in the NICU.
If your baby was premature and you haven't seen her yet, you should know that she may not look exactly like what you expected. Here are some things to know about your premature baby's development.
For the first few weeks he's home, it may be hard to guess how your premature baby is going to behave. But after a short time you'll be able to predict his reactions and responses-his behavior will become part of your routine.
If your baby was born early, she may have some special needs when it comes to nutrition. Here are some things you may want to know about premature nutrition, premature baby development, and feeding a low birth weight baby.